Living Forward

The path to recovery and wellness.

Below is a curated list of popular articles from Dr. Vilhauer’s Psychology Today blog. To view the entire blog please visit the Psychology Today website.

What You are NOT Saying to Yourself Can Sabotage Your Life.

We all know critical self-talk is damaging but the positive things we don’t say to ourselves can do just as much damage. Read More…

The Mental Wellness Routine That Will Change Your Life

Do you know what you need to do in order to be happy? Here are 5 essential activities that if done regularly will bring about positive emotional well-being. Read More…

4 Reasons Why Changing Your Thinking is Hard, But Worth It

Four little known reasons why it can be hard to change your thinking, even when you know you should. Read more…

How to Stay Authentic No Matter What

Do you ever wish you could just be yourself? Learn the importance of socially intelligent self-expression. Read more…

4 Ways to Survive Unexpected Situations

Life throws unexpected things at us all the time. The four tips will help you survive unexpected stress—and maybe even come out ahead. Read more…

4 Ways to Stop Beating Yourself Up

Negative self-talk can seriously damage your self-esteem and impair your quality of life. Learn how to free yourself of the inner critic. Read more…

What to Do When You Can’t Stop Thinking About Something.

Negative rumination robs you of your present moment well-being and over time can lead to serious problems like depression or anxiety. Here’s what you can do to regain control. Read more…

One Exercise Sure to Make You Feel Better About Yourself

One simple exercise can help you build the strength to disengage from a negative thought stream so you can improve how you see yourself in the world. Read more…

How to Move On From An Ex You Still Love

Nothing can keep you from moving on to a better future than a lingering relationship wound. There are some concrete steps you can take that will facilitate the healing process. Read more…

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